Perfume Base Components

Friday, February 27, 2009

Natural Perfume Scents:

Many plants exude a natural fragrance, which comes from the part of the plant that has been broken down to its essential oils and compounds. Several parts of a plant may be used to extract the scent for a perfume. Flowers and blossoms are obvious plant parts used in making perfume, but leaves, twigs, roots, bulbs, seeds, fruit, bark, wood, resin, and even lichens can be used as well. Other organic fragrances, such as musk, civet, castoreum, ambergris, and honeycomb, come from animals.

Synthetic Perfume Fragrances:

Creating perfumes from organic substances, such as plant and animal scents, is an expensive process that results in very pricey perfume. The use of chemical compounds to create perfumes allows designers to develop similar scents for a fraction of the cost, making perfumes affordable and favorite fragrances readily available to everyone in the world.

Synthetic aromas in perfumes normally aren't found in the environment, but are common in many of today’s perfumes. Synthetics come from combinations of some of the chemicals found in petroleum and pine. One such example is the pale yellow liquid ionone, with its woody, dry, fruity, raspberry, and violet aromas. Another is linalool, a naturally occurring terpene alcohol chemical with a floral scent with pleasant hints of spice.


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